About Niraparix (Niraparib)
Cancer of the peritoneum, ovaries, and fallopian tubes can all be treated with this medication. Ovarian cancer cannot be cured, but its progression can be halted with this medication. This medication is manufactured and distributed by Beacon Pharmaceutical ltd. In its generic form, this medication is known as Niraparib.
To maximise its benefits, take 300 milligrams of Niranib once daily. To get the most out of the medication, take it daily at the same time. You should take it by mouth, without chewing, at any time of day. Its overdose effect is poorly understood.
Side Effects
- Constipation that results in black, tarry stools.
- symptoms of blood in the feces or urine.
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Anemia
- Stomach ache
- a sluggish or irregular heartbeat.
- Loss of Appetite
- spots of redness on the skin, each one pinpointed.
This medication must be stored at a temperature below 30 degrees Celsius at all times. It’s best stored in a dry place away from any kind of moisture. You should not take this medication if the temperature was above 40 degrees Celsius while it was being stored.
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